Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Year round school essay

My opinion on year round school is it's not a good idea if they wanted students to have year round school make that particular student go to summer school not year round school.
I believe year round school is a 50/50 I personally don't think its good but academically it may improve your knowledge?! 
The aspects that effect my session about year round school is mostly summer fun! what about vacations,sports,sleepovers,summer camp also teachers need a break not just the students. 

I don't attend a year round school I never have. I've never had an experience with year round school but I have had a experience without year round school considering summer break is so much fun! I went on my first vacation last year on an airplane I went to Florida and that was problebly the best memory in my life and the most fun I've ever had with my mom and could never have done that if we had year round schooling, so many kids would never have an experience like I had if they had year round schooling 
I don't know anyone who has ever been in a year round school but I don't think they would like it!
On weekends people have family occasions and we would never really have time to hangout with friends  this would increase dropouts! . It's like the wet sponge. It can only take too much water before it's too saturated and needs a break to evaporate some of that stuff. So in conclusion year round school is NOT a good idea.

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